
Astrological Significance of Red Coral: How It Influences Mars Energy?

The fascinating Red Coral stone also called ‘Moonga’ is a striking birthstone that people have always coveted. It has been an important stone in Vedic astrology due to its deep red color and some of the qualities it possesses, plus it is one of the Navratans. This gem is connected to Mars planet which is rated for high energy and dynamic effects. In this blog, I am going to provide knowledge about the astrological significance of Red Coral, its effect on Mars’s energy and how Mars’s energy changes different areas of an individual’s life.

Mars in Astrology

According to Vedic astrology, Mars or Mangal is a typical or traditional energy planet. It symbolizes power, strength, spirit, and dynamism. Mars controls our energy and impulsiveness, our physical strength and our capacity to act physically. Hence it is called the ‘commander-in-chief’ of the planetary cabinet because it exudes a very strong factor.

Mars rules two zodiac signs: Aries and Scorpio. Those born with their Mangal Grah in the ascendant got a reputation of being charming and racy. But when it is in the afflicted or weak state the person is aggressive, impulsive, and quarrelsome. This is why therefore Red Coral is such a great consideration, it is where its importance lies.

Red Coral has immense importance in astrology and it’s mainly used in the correct formation of gemology settings. Moonga is the stone of Mars and wearing it – brings positive qualities of this strong planet. Here are some key astrological benefits of Red Coral:

Increasing Confidence: It increases the wearer’s valour and self-assertiveness, hence the Red Coral is also known as the stone of courage. It enables individuals to face their fears and take the right risky stands in life. 

Improving Physical Vitality: Mars is the ruling planet for muscular energy and virility thus Munga is thought to increase these energies. It may assist in raising general health and endurance; thus it is gainful for sportsmen and persons with physical jobs.

Promoting Leadership and Ambition: The Moonga Stone ring gives leadership, ambitions and strength. It is usually advised to be taken by persons who work in a leadership capacity in their workplace or students who desire to climb the corporate ladder.

Balancing Aggression: Mars gives the energy and motivation as well as push and determination to succeed; however, a difficult Mangal Grah brings anger and wars. Red Coral is helpful to counter this energy and achieve better temper control. Anger and being able to avoid responding to the stimuli with equal intensity may also be helped by this gem.

Protection from Negative Energies: This gemstone has been thought to keep one secure from malicious forces and other destructive forces. It in fact plays the role of protection and any danger that is around is prevented from getting to the wearer.

What Influence Red Coral Has On Mars Power?

It is important to get knowledge on Red Coral’s effectivity on Mars energy through the root chakra (Muladhara). The first chakra or the root chakra means survival, good health, and resistance in general. Mangal Grah governs this energy centre, and wearing Red Coral helps in balancing and activating the root chakra, leading to the following benefits:

Grounding and Stability: This stone is inclined to assist and abound with earth energy, which aids an individual to remain stable most of the time. They strengthen stability in one’s personal and professional front end and give a good ground upon which such a person can build upon.

Enhanced Physical Strength: As the root chakra is activated Moonga increases physical strength and energy or sexuality in a male. It handles issues to do with laziness and is excellent in boosting stamina; this makes it the perfect gemstone for people who have more physical work.

Emotional Balance: In addition, the root chakra is said to be associated with our emotions too. The gem offers the encouragement required to overcome hurdles and deal with different and demanding circumstances.


Astrologically, the blessings of Mars is upon the Moonga stone and hence the Munga price is always high because this stone is always in demand. The gem has many positive energies and these energies can help you lead a better life. If you also want to get the powers of Mars, then wear an original red coral stone. Buy it from a reputable seller like Navratan, where you will get authentic and lab-certified gemstones at the best Moonga prices.

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