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Top 7 Best WordPress plugins: Be a good webmaster

Plugin is such a piece of software that is used to operate specific functions in Websites. Plugins is used to add new features in your websites. It also used to customize or to do certain tasks without a coding. These are easy to use you can simple install them into your word press site for any specific feature. Plugins are also safe to use because it don’t effective your website. Now, the plugins are using in a wide range of peoples. Because its make the process easy to maintain and customize your website easily. So, in this article, I will provide some information about 7 best WordPress plugins that may you need to know for your website.

1.         Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a powerful wordpress plugin that helps to optimize your website for search engine visibility. It provides important toolkit to improve your website performance in search results. It provides some basic features for effective SEO Strategies. Here are the features of Yoast SEO.


•             On-Page SEO analysis: Yoast SEO analyzes each  page or post content and provides some important suggestions for its improvement such as Improving meta titles, Meta description, and the keyword use.

•             XML site-map: It generates the XML site map, which makes it easy for search engines to crawl, understand and index your content.

•             Readability analysis: It helps to improve your post content readability and give suggestions to improve it for users.

•             Converstone content: With this yoast SEO feature you can mark your most important content on your website.

•             Canonical URLs: Yoast help to make canonical settings that are good for avoiding duplicate content.

•             Breadcrumb setting: It also helps to implement breadcrumb settings that help users and search engines to understand the structure of your website.

Download Yoast Plugin

2.         WP fastest cache

Wp fastest is the most popular wordpress caching plugin for webmasters. It improves the performance and speed of your website by implementing caching techniques. Here are the some basic features of this plugin below.


•             Minification: WP fastest cache can minimize and combine CSS and JavaScript files to reduce the size of these resources to optimize the better experience for visitors.

•             Browser caching: When any visitor visits your website it stores your page files for the user ‘s next use. When visitors return to your website for next time there will be no need to download a certain file, it also increases website speed performance.

•             Image optimization: The premium version of this plugin includes an option for image optimization, to help to compress and optimize images for better performance.

3.         Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection plugin

Akismat Anti- spam is the most famous wordpress plugin to protect your website from spam. This plugin is developed by Here is the feature of Akismet Anti- spam plugin:


•             Comment spam protection: This plugin is most used to stop and block spam comments. When a user submits any comment on your website it identifies the spam comments.

•             Contact form spam protection: It also protects contact from on your website. It identifies and blocks spam submission on contact form.

•             Previous Comments history: Akismat also keeps the history of comments. This history is helpful for website owners to review past comments.

4.         WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the most popular and widely used plugin for E-commerce websites. If you are deciding to sell something and want to make an own online store, this plugin would be helpful. WooCommerce Fully turns your website into an online store. It makes the process easy to sell your products online. Here are the some key features of this plugin:


•             E- commerce functionality: WooComerce adds e-commerce capabilities in your WordPress website. Allow you to sell Physical and digital products easily online and also handle the many aspects of transactions.

•             Product management: With the help of this plugin you can easily add, edit or organize your products in your dashboard. You can add each product description, Pricing, details, policies, images and information.

•             Payments gateway: You can also manage payment options for your E-commerce business on this plugin. You can set a payment option for your customers to pay through Debit/credit cards, PayPal or cash on delivery method. 

•             Themes capability: WooCommerce is designed to work effectively with different wordpress themes. So, You can manage your e-commerce store and look for effectiveness.

•             Reports and analytics: Woocommerce provides detailed reports of sales, customer behavior and product performance.

•             Security: Woocommerce follows best practices to improve security. So, you can use it without any risk.

5.         Site kit by Google

Site kit by Google is the most powerful and official wordpress plugin from Google. It provides insights about how people interact with your website. This plugin is designed to make it easier for website owners to access and check Google tools such as Google analytic, Google search console, Page speed insights and Google adsense directly in your wordpress dashboard. Here is the key features of site kit that how it works.


•             Google analytic integration: Site kit allows connecting your website to Google analytic. It helps you to track your website traffic, metrics and user behavior in your wordpress dashboard.

•             Google search console integration: With the help of site kit you can also link your website wordpress to Google search console. Where you can see all information about how your website appears in search results.

•             PageSpeed insights integration: Site kit also provides information about Google PageSpeed insights. So, you can see your website Speed performance simply and easily in your website wordpress dashboard.

•             Google Adsense Integration: If you have an Adsense approved website, you can also connect the site kit with Google adsense. Where you can see your website adsense earning, Impression and other relevant information about your website adsense in your website wordpress dashboard.

•             Google tag manager Integration: Site kit also supports Google tag manager. Google tag manager is a tool that allows you to manage and deploy various tracking code and scripts on your website without directly editing the code.

•             Simple and easy to access: Site kit by Google is easy to use plugin. You can simply install this plugin and connect many Google services in your website dashboard in a few clicks.

Install Sitekit By Google

6.         Redirection

Redirection plugin is most useful for managing 301 redirects, 404 not found errors and for more search engine optimization errors. Redirects are important for providing good user experience and safe search engine ranking when URL changes. Here are the some basic features of redirection plugin:


•             Managing redirects: It helps to manage different types of redirects in your wordpress website. You can easily set up 303 redirects, Which are permanent redirects and others like 302 temporary redirects.

•             User-friendly interface: Redirection provides user-friendly interface within the wordpress dashboard. Where users can easily make redirects without any difficulty.

•             Not found error solution: It also helps in managing your not found 404 pages which are indexed in Google. You can easily direct them to current relevant working pages.

•             Performance: It provides best speed performance to redirect your pages to other pages fastly without any distribution.

•             Free and open source: Redirection is totally free to use plugins for all webmasters.

7.         Elemenator

Elementor is also a famous and mostly using plugin to design your wordpress website. You can get complete control to build your website without any difficulty of coding. You can make your website user-friendly, good looking and effective for visitors by using Elementor plugin. Here are the some basic features of this plugin:


•             Simple and easy to use:  Elementor is simple and easy to use. With the functions of drag and drop you can easily design your website appearance.

•             Responsive design: Elementor helps you to make your website effective, responsive and good looking. You can easily provide a user-friendly interface to your visitor by using Elementor .

•             Template library: Elementor provides many different and amazing templates to its user. You can save your time by using these templates to design your website.

•             Widgets groups: It also provides a variety of 40+ widgets to make your website perfect and effective.

•             Best website performance: Elementor trying to provide better experience to its users. So, It is working to identify and increase your website performance by using Elementor plugin.

Get Elementor 


WordPress plugins are most important and useful for effective websites. It makes the process easy to manage your website easily. Plugin increases the website’s functions and features to make your website better. Also, everything has its positive and negative aspects and impacts. So, much use of unnecessary plugins can cause heavy load and affect your website speed and performance. So, Be aware and use only necessary and quality plugins that are really needed. 

Kashif Khan

Kashif Khan is an experienced SEO professional and content writer noted for his deep understanding of search engine algorithms as well as lively writing style. With years of experience, he has helped countless businesses to grow their online visibility and appealing to audiences efficiently.

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